Section 504

Section 504 is a civil rights statute enacted to prevent discrimination based on disabilities in programs or activities receiving federal funding. A 504 plan is developed under the regulations of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against public school students with disabilities, including those with learning and attention issues who meet specific criteria. The plan outlines the accommodations, modifications, and services required to address a child’s needs, ensuring they have equal access to learning in the general education classroom.

504 plans are designed for K–12 public school students with disabilities. Section 504 defines “disability” broadly, without specifying particular conditions, which is why students who do not qualify for an IEP may still be eligible for a 504 plan. Under Section 504, public schools are required to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to students with disabilities. This includes providing regular or special education, along with related aids and services, that are designed to meet the educational needs of students with disabilities as effectively as those of non-disabled students (34 C.F.R. 104.33).

Section 504 defines a person with a disability as someone who:

  • Has a physical or mental impairment that “substantially” limits one or more major life activity (such as reading or concentrating).
  • Has a record of the impairment.
  • Is regarded as having an impairment, or a significant difficulty that isn’t temporary. For example, a broken leg isn’t an impairment, but a chronic condition, like a food allergy, might be.

Evaluation Process

Evaluations can be initiated by either the parent or the school. When doing an evaluation for a 504 plan, the school considers information from several sources, including:

  • Aptitude and achievement tests
  • Teacher recommendations
  • Physical condition
  • Social and cultural background
  • Adaptive behavior

If a student is determined to be eligible for a 504 plan, the plan is developed by a team of people who are familiar with the student and who understand the evaluation data and special services options. This team might include:

  • Your child’s general education teacher(s)
  • A special education teacher
  • The school principal
  • You, the parent(s)
  • The child (depending on his age and maturity)

​More Information

Each school has a 504 Coordinator and procedure in place. The building principal and/or the 504 Coordinator can provide more information upon request.


For more information, first contact your school Section 504 Coordinator or School Principal. You may also contact the OSSU 504 Coordinator and Assistant Director of Student Services, Kelly Locke.


For more information, contact your school principal first or the SU 504 Coordinator and Assistant Director of Student Services, Kelly Locke.

Staff Members